PRAGUE 1-Hradčany: places of interest (part 1)

🏰 Prague Castle
According to the Guinness Book of Records, Prague Castle is the largest ancient castle in the world.
It is the official office of the President of the Czech Republic. 
The castle was a seat of power for kings of Bohemia, Holy Roman emperors, and presidents of Czechoslovakia. 
There is St Vitus Cathedral, St George Basilica, Golden Lane, galleries, museums and cafes.

🏛 Černín Palace
It houses the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since the 1930s. Usually the Palace is closed to public. During summer months on weekends you can visit beautiful gardens of the Palace for free.

🏛 Hradcany Square
There’s a plague column of Virgin Mary, Schwarzenberg Palace, Salmov Palace, Toscana and Martinic Palaces, statue of T. G. Masaryk, Matyáš Gate, etc. Moreover you can see the Change of Guards here every day at 12:00.

🎨 National Gallery
Schwarzenberský palác with a collection of Czech Baroque art, decorative arts and historical weapons.
Šternberský palác is a home of ancient Greek and Roman art works, Renaissance and paintings of the 19th century.

🌳 Gardens below the Prague Castle
It’s a beautiful complex of interconnected historical gardens: Ledeburg, Small and Large Palffy, Kolovrat and Small Fürstenberg Garden with wonderful architectural decoration, staircases, balustrades and terraces.

What’s your favorite place in Hradčany?
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