PRAGUE 6: Dejvice, Bubeneč (part 1)
One of the most prestigious, expensive and calm areas in Prague.
🛣🚗🚃🚇 The center of this area is a big crossroad of four wide streets: Evropská, Svatovítská, Jugoslávských partyzánů and Československé armády; important transport node (tram, bus, metro) and 🌳 Vítězné náměstí (Kulat’ák) with Farmers market 🍎 on Saturdays and a popular social place Šest’ak 🎪🎼☕️.
🌳 Wuchterlova Square
A beautiful quiet area with a large fountain in the middle and impressive building of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. Christmas concerts are held on this Square in December.
🏢⚙️ Czech Technical University
One of the largest universities in the Czech Republic, and one of the oldest and prestigious institutes of technology in Central Europe.
@cvutpraha ⠀
⚗️🔬Institute of Chemical Technology
The largest university specializing in chemistry in the Czech Republic.
🏢📚 Czech National Library of Technology
Big modern building with several floors and user-friendly design philosophy with 1,322 places to study and 562 places to relax. The largest and the oldest library of science and technology literature in the Czech Republic.
🎭 Theater Spejbl and Hurvínek
A famous Czech a puppet theatre performing both for children and adults.
🎭 Theater Semafor
The name “Semafor” is an abbreviation for Sedm Malých Forem (Seven Small Forms), referring to forms of theater.
🎭 Dejvice Theater
One of the very best drama theatres with contemporary foreign and domestic repertoire.
💥 Nikola Tesla Monument
The statue depicts an electrical discharge.
🏢 Hotel International
The largest Socialist realism building in Prague.
💒 Catholic Theological Faculty of the Charles University and Episcopal Conference of Czech Republic.
What’s your favorite place in Prague 6?