📌 21-24 March – Žižkovská noc 🍛🍲 Multi-genre festival with over five hundred artists from around the world.📍Where: various places. Info: https://zizkovskanoc.net/eng.php .
📌 22-29 March – Mercedes Benz Prague Fashion Week largest fashion event in the Czech Republic.📍Where: náměstí Republiky 656/8, Praha 1. Info: https://mbpfw.com/en/.
📌 21-29 March – Prague International Film Festival – Febiofest largest film festivals in the Czech Republic📍Where: Radlická 3179/1E, Praha 5. Info: www.febiofest.cz.
📌 23 March – Festival of Delicate Tastes 🍛🍲 Traditional and innovative food from all over the world .📍Where: Karlovo náměstí 1/23, Praha 2, 10:00 – 18:00. ✅Admission is free.
📌 23-24 March – Praguemarket 🛍🌭 Fashion accessories, jewelry, cosmetics, streetfood, homemade cakes.📍Where: Náměstí Republiky, Praha 1 10:00-19:00. ✅Admission is free.
📌 25-29 March – Farmers’ Market in Prague 1 🛍🌭 Seasonal fruit and vegetables, specialities, handmade goods.📍Where: Náměstí Republiky, Praha 1 9:00-18:00. ✅Admission is free.
📌 22-24 March – Spring Markets at Prague Exhibition Grounds 🛍🌭 Seasonal fruit and vegetables, Easter specialities, young plants.📍Where: Areál Výstaviště, Praha 7 10:00-18:00. ✅Admission is free.
📌 till 22 April -Matějská pouť 👻🎡 Carousels, haunted mansion, House of mirth etc., 📍Where Výstaviště Holešovice 170 90 Praha 7 9:00-14:00. ✅ Admission is free, 30 czk on weekend days
📌 22-23 March – The Jungle That Never Sleeps 👻🎡 Come and see tropic jungle at night 📍Where Trojská 800/196, Praha 7 19:00. ✅ Admision-200 czk; students, children-100 czk. Reservation are required.
📌 till 12 August – JIŘIČNÁ 🛍🌭 multimedia exhibition by world-renowned Czech architect.📍Where: Poupětova 1, Praha 7. ✅Admission 180 czk. Info:https://www.dox.cz/en/exhibitions/jiricna
📌 23 March – Farmers’ Markets at Kulaťák 🥒🍎 Seasonal fruit and vegetables, bread, specialities etc. 📍Where: Vítězné náměstí, Praha 6 8:00-14:00. ✅Admission is free.
📌 23 March – Opening of the 6th Cyklohráček 🛤🚆 A unique cruise train for the whole family and for cyclists. 📍Where: Rytířská 10, Praha 1 9:00-19:00.
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