
Attractions and landmarks


Incredible view of Prague from Vítkov Hill. The area includes park (14.93 hectares!), National Museum…

Movies in Prague

📽 Green Book 🗣 English with Czech subtitles 📍 Cinestar, Kino Světozor ⏰ 13:50, 19:00…

Nostitz Palace

Nostitz Palace impressed me so much yesterday! 😍 Now it’s the seat of the Ministry…

The Petřín Funicular

The Petřín Funicular 🚠 is one of the favorite attractions among locals and tourists. You…

Convent of St. Agnes

Exhibition of Medieval Art in Bohemia and Central Europe 1200–1550 is situated inside the Convent…

Schwarzenberg Palace

Schwarzenberg Palace contains one of the exhibition of the National Gallery @ngprague. You will see…

The Sea World Zoo

The Sea World Zoo (Mořský svět Praha) is a permanent exhibition of marine and freshwater…

The Prokop Valley

The Prokop Valley (Prokopské udolí) is one of the most beautiful places in Prague with…

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