📌 from 21 January – COMPASSION FATIGUE IS OVER 🖼🌐 https://www.galerierudolfinum.cz
📌 Virtual tours in the National Technical Museum https://www.ntmvp.cz/
📌 till 20 January – Municipal Library of Prague 📚 Lectures, concerts and readings 🌐 https://www.mlp.cz⠀
📌 Virtual tours in the Prague City Gallery @ghmp.cz
📌 17 January – Karneval zvířat JINAK 🎭 Live stream performance 🌐 on Facebook PONEC – divadlo pro tanec ⏰ 17:00⠀
📌 Virtual tours in the National Gallery @ngprague https://www.ngprague.cz/o-nas/novinky/online-ngp
📌 till 15 January – Moje kino LIVE 🎬 Film festival 🌐 www.mojekinolive.cz⠀
📌 Virtual tours in the National Museum @narodnimuzeum https://www.nm.cz/virtualne-do-muzea
📌 Virtual tours in the Museum of Prague @muzeumprahy http://www.muzeumprahy.cz/virtualni-prohlidky/
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