Carnival (Masopust) Parade at Lesser Town

Malá Strana Kampa, Praha 1, Prague

Traditional carnival parade will go from the Loretánské Square to Kampa, then through the Lesser Town and finally stopping at Kampa. Masks will be accompanied by the famous Prague funfair orchestra. At Kampa, you'll find stands with mulled wine, pork delicacies, etc.


Shrovetide at Ctěnice Chateau

Ctěnice Castle The City of Prague Museum - Ctěnice Castle (Zámecký areál Ctěnice), Bohdanečská 1, Praha 9, Prague

Traditional Czech feast with a traditional pig slaughter, stands with fast food and potato pancakes, hot apple cider and honey. Workshops for children


Carnival (Masopust) Parade at Břevnov


A carnival parade will start at 15.45 at the crossroad Bělohorská-Pod Královkou (Moje kredenc shop) and then walk through Břevnov. The programme will contineu at KC Kaštan.


Carnival (Masopust) Parade at Žižkov

Jiřák náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad, Praha 3, Prague

Costume parade will start on Jiřího z Poděbrad square at 17:00, leading through Žižkov and Vinohrady (incl. Havlíčkovo square) in front of the Viktoria Žižkov stadium. Everyone who will participate at the parade in a costume will be given free Czech specialities (blood or liver sausages or pork-based aspic).  
